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Won - Sungwon Choi


Hello, my name is Won. I’m a graphic artist based in Seoul.

I graduated from Hongik University’s Film & Animation department and worked as a producer for many years. Now, I communicate with people through my graphic art.

I’ve named my brand Wontasy, combining my name, Won, with Fantasy. It reflects my desire to express the stories I’ve always wanted to tell, imagined, and wished to capture through art and graphic design.

For my works or any product I’m involved in, I handle almost every part of the process myself. I want to put my passion into each piece and share that feeling with everyone.

I’m an artist who loves art, and I know exactly what I’m good at.


Once again, my name is Won, and with me, you’re always one step ahead.

Let’s dive into my fantasy!



Microsoft / Google / Hyundai / CJ E&M / Nexon / NC soft / / Neowiz / Line / Kakao / Kakao Friends / Ceci / Interpark / Belief / SM Entertainment / KT  / SK Networks / Iconix / Daehong Communications / Youngtoys / Pokemonkorea / KB Financial Group / Ministry of Health and Welfare / Noksibcho / WeMade Play / Korea Ginseng Corporation / Korean Forces Network / GS Caltex / SBS / TV Chosun / MBN / YTN / SBS Radio / Gyeonggi Provincial Government / British Education Centre / Earthdayz / Pawbulous / Campfire Aniwork / JCI EastJava / Dongmin Industrial Cooperative / Korea Creative Content Agency / Fincon / Locus / SSG / Korea Environmental Industry Association / Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development / Korea SMEs and Startups Agency / Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency / Korea Environment Corporation / Seoul National University Bundang Hospital / Wood & Fire




-H-Armorny / U-Plex, Seoul

-Character Licensing Fair / Coex, Seoul

-Design Fair / Coex, Seoul

-K-Hand Made Fair / Coex, Seoul

-Earth Rescue Mission / Ssamziegil, Seoul

-Who's Next / Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, France

-Re:Earth Upcycle Pop-Up / Lotte Dep, Suwon

-Hand Art Korea / Coex, Seoul

-Pop-Up, Fun Together Rabbit! / The Hyundai Seoul, Seoul

-G-Fair / Centara Grand Central World, Bangkok, Thailand

-Design Week / Bexco, Busan


-Texworld / Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York, USA

-G-Fair / Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan

-Circular Economy / Coex, Seoul

-Esg-Exo Expo Korea / Coex, Seoul

-Apparel Textile Sourcing Canada / Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto, Canada

-Environment & Energy Tech / Coex, Seoul

-Character Licensing Fair / Coex, Seoul

-Envex Environment Exhibition / Coex, Seoul

-Design Week / Bexco, Busan

-Upcycle Life Style Market / Fxco, Daegu

-Upcycle Eco Market / Gijang, Busan


-Circular Economy / Coex, Seoul

-Character Licensing Fair / Coex, Seoul

-Sourcing Fair / Coex, Seoul




-Earth Dayz Festival / Surabaya, Indonesia

-Christmas Fundraise/ Surabaya, Indonesia

- Christmas Market / Surabaya, Indonesia

- Earth Dayz Market / Surabaya, Indonesia

- JCI World Clean Up Day / Surabaya, Indonesia




"Mamotory" Character Art Book / Wood & Fire / Bora & Won(Soon)

"StoryBora" Chapter Book / Wood & Fire / Bora & Won(Soon)


"KKonThat" Character Art Book / Wood & Fire / Bora & Won


"Helping Hands"Character Art Book / Wood & Fire / Bora & Won


"Figgles" Character Art Book / Wood & Fire / Bora & Won


"Econimals" Character Art Book / Wood & Fire / Bora & Won

"What On Earth" Part-1 / Wood & Fire / Bora & Won

"What On Earth" Part-2 / Wood & Fire / Bora & Won




-1st Prize / Digital Cartoon and Illustration Contest / SICAF

-Grand Prize / Culture Contents Festival / Chungcheongnam-do Province


-Honorable Mention / Packaging Design Competition / Incheon Emergency Medical Center

-Silver Prize / Cartier UCC Contest / Cartier

-Grand Prize / KT Digital Contents Awards / KT


-Silver Prize / 'Peter Pan Complex' Music Video Contest / Cidus

-Participation Prize / 'I-Station' Station ID Contest / I-station


Project Participation


-Emoticon Design “프라시아 전기” / Design, Animation, Vector / Nexon Co.,Ltd.

-Character Design “프라시아 전기” / Design / Nexon Co.,Ltd.


-Character Style Guide "꼰대 아닌 꼰댓(KKONTHAT)" / Design / Pawbulous

-Music Video for “웹툰 테러맨 애니메이션(Terror Man Animation)” by 김태래(Zero Base One) / PD / 스튜디오 바주카(Bazooka)

-Music Video for “해군가, 육군가, 공군가, 해병대가” by 박지헌, 김의영, 강혜연, 유슬기 / PD / 국방TV(KFN)

-Collaboration Logo “리니지(Lineage)*PXG” / Design / 엔씨소프트(NC Soft Corp)


-Promotion Video for Game “애니팡클럽 NFT” / PD / WeMade

-Character Style Guide "우리동네 작은 소방서 HH(Helping Hands)" / Design / Pawbulous


-Character Style Guide "피글스(Figgles)" / Design / Pawbulous

-Lecture Video “TEDx Talks : Global Climate Change” / PD(Full Production) / TED

-Teaser “도도와 요술망토(Dodo)” / Animation / 리딩게이트(Reading Gate)

-Campaign Animation “나는야 안전지킴이” / PD / Seongnam-si

-Promotion Video for Game “트릭스터M” / PD / 엔씨소프트(NC Soft Corp)

-UI Design “BTY 앱” / Design / 스토리지


-Emoticon Design “니니즈와 흥겨운 친구들(Niniz Friends)” / Animation, Vector / Kakao Inc.

-Emoticon Design “카카오프렌즈 퍼니 시추에이션(Kakao Friends Funny Situation)” / Animation, Vector / Kakao Inc.

-TV CF “지방이” / Animation BG / 스튜디오 이크, 365MC

-TV series Animation “아싸써커스(ASSAircus)” / 스튜디오 이크, SSG

-Promotion Video “경기국제보트쇼 홍보영상” / PD / 경기도청(Gyeonggi Province)

-Conference Video “TEDx JalanTunjungan” / Edit / BEC

-Animation “에그츄” / Character Design / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Animation “우당탕탕! 중장비가족” / Character Design / 퍼니플럭스(Funny Flux)


-Festival Design “지구의날 축제(Earth dayz Festival)” / Design / BEC

-Event Design “크리스마스 펀드레이징(Christmas Fundraising) / Design / BEC

-Event Design “지구마켓(Earth Market)” / BEC

-TV series Animation “뿡뿡빵빵 부부맨(BooBooMan)” / Pre-Production / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Character Style Guide "에코니멀(Econimals)" / Design / Pawbulous

-Emoticon Develop “곰냥이” / Design / Kakao Inc.

-Emoticon Design “헬로 카카오프렌즈(Hello Kakao Friends)” / Animation, Vector / Kakao Inc.

-Emoticon Design “카카오프렌즈 젤리스티커( Kakao Friends)” / Animation, Vector / Kakao Inc.


-Logo Design “KBS 라디오 쿨룩(Coolooc)” / Design / KBS

-UI Design “아이돌 챔프 애플리케이션(Idol Champ)” / Design / Neowiz

-Video Flyer for Mobile “갤러리아 백화점“ / PD(Full Production) / SSG

-VR Attraction Pop-up Event “라이언 치즈볼 어드벤쳐(Ryan CheezzzBall Adventure)” / Concept Design / Kakao Corp.

-TV series Animation “매직두들 크레용(Magic Doodle Crayon)” / Director / Kocca, (주)드로잉브라더스

-Emoticon Design “스닉독(Sneak Dogg)” / Design / 애경산업(Aekyung)

-Promotion Video “더썸(TheSSum)” / PD(Full Production) / (주)체리츠(Cheritz)

-Promotion Video “몬타워즈AR(Mon Towers AR” / PD(Full Production) / Buffstone

-Animation Teaser “울트라망고(Ultra Mango)” / PD, Pre-Production / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-TV series Animation “타타와 쿠마(Tata And Kuma) / Pre-Production / (주)5브릭스

-Promotion Video for Game “아바벨 온라인 카드배틀(Avabel)” / PD / Buffstone


-TV series Animation “런닝맨(Running Man)” / Pre-Production / 로커스(Locus), 라인프렌즈(Line Friends), SBS2017>

-Promotion Video for Game “헬로히어로 에픽배틀(Hello Hero2)” by 스파이럴캣츠(Spiral Cats) / PD(Full Production) / Fincon

-Bumper & Age Notice “박종인의 땅의 역사“ / PD / GS칼텍스, TV조선

-Promotion Video for App “마이비데 핸드워시” / Animation / 유한킴벌리(Yuhan-Kimberly), 대홍기획

-Promotion Video for Game “피망 포커(Pmang Poker)” / PD(Full Production) / 네오위즈(Neowiz)

-Emoticon Design for BBM Messenger Indonesia “피망 도리와 츄츄(Pmang Dori & Chu Chu), 월드오브커맨더(World of Commanders), 로그라이프(Rogue Life), 후르츠 매니아(Fruits Mania), 워드 스페이스(WordSpace), 역전맞짱탁구(Ping-Pong), 짭사(Capsa Susun)” / Design / Neowiz


-TV series Animation “뒤죽박죽섬의 빅풋패밀리(The Bigfoots on Topsy-Turvy island)” / Pre-Production / Campfire Aniworks Co.,Ltd.

-TV series Animation “레인보우 버블잼(Rainbow BubbleGem)” / Pre-Production / Campfire Aniworks Co.,Ltd.


-TV CF “녹십초 쿨샤(Nokshibcho CoolSsha)” / PD / (주)녹십초

-TV Campaign “핑거밴드 여름 금역캠페인(FingerBand Summer Campaign)” / PD(Full Production) / 보건복지부(Ministry of Health and Welfare)

-TV Campaign “청년실업 캠페인“ / PD(Full Production) / KB금융(KB Group), TV 조선(TV Chosun)

-WebToon “검과 마법” / BG / 스튜디오 이크

-Promotion Video for Game “메테오” / PD(Full Production) / Buffstone

-PPL Video “남자의 홍삼 올칸” / PD / (주)한국인삼공사(Korea Ginseng Corporation)

-TV series Animation “윌리와 티나(Willy & Tina)” / Director, Pre-Production / (주)모프컴, (주)드로잉브라더스

-TV series Animation “카봇” / Effect / 스튜디오 이크


-Promotion Video “지금부터 도넛” / Editing & Sound / KT

-TV series Animation Teaser “픽서패밀리(The Fantastic Fixer Family)” / Full-Production / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Concert Video “어웨이크 홀로그램 콘서트 K-Live(Awake Hologram Concert) : PSY, 2NE1, G-Dragon” / Editing, Compositing / KT

-TV CF “구구콘, LG Uplus“ / Storyboard / 대홍기획(Daehong Communications)

-Promotion Video for Game “삼국지 영웅전 for Kakao” / Post-Production / SK Networks

-Event Spot “터닝메카드 올레TV” / PD(Full Production) / KT

-Event Spot “카봇 올레TV” / PD(Full Production) / KT

-Brand Design “투니버스 캐릭터(Tooniverse Character) / Design, Animation / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Promotion Video “포켓몬 타운(Pokémon Town)“ / PD(Full Production) / Pokémon Korea Inc.


-TV series Animation “스톤에이지(Stone Age)” / Pre-Production / Iconix Co., Ltd.


-Promotion Video for Game “빅풋(The Bigfoot) for Kakao” / Post-Production / SK Networks

-Promotion Video for Game “신의아이들 for Kakao” / Post-Production / SK Networks

-Promotion Video for Game “홍길동이 간다 for Kakao” / PD(Full Production) / 팬더8

-Promotion Video for “투니버스 어플리케이션” / Character & Motion / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-TV Program “북한본색” / CG / TV조선

-Infographic Video “흉통케어(Chest Pain Care) / Production / 분당서울대병원(Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)

-Editorial Design “빌리프 아쿠아밤(Belief Aqua Bomb)” / Illustration / 빌리프(Belief)

-Concert Video “소녀시대 일본 투어(Girls' Generation 3rd Japan Tour : Love & Peace) / Production / SM Entertainment Co., Ltd.

-Wall Design “인터파크(Interpark)” / Illustration / Interpark Holdings

-Emoticon Develop “루나앤솔” / Design / Kakao Inc.


-Promotion Video “우당탕탕 투니마을 대소동“ / Motion / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-TV Show “투니 스튜디오(Tooni Studio)“ / Opening Title / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Streaming Program “클라라의 스타일라디오(Clara’s Style Radio)“ / PD(Full Production) / Google, CéCi Korea

-TV CF “넥센타이어“ / Storyboard / 대홍기획(Daehong Communications)

-Interaction Video for Event Festival “현대자동자 블루윌의 브룸랜드(Hyundai Motor BlueWill’s Vroom-Land) / PD(Full Production) / Hyundai Motor

-Promotion Video “Microsoft HoloLens Demonstration Show Off / Editing, Korean Script / Microsoft


-Event Filler for TV Program “고고 투니통(Gogo Tooni Tong)” / Full Production / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-Event Filler for TV Program “투니 시네마(Tooni Cinema) / Program Package / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-Event Filler for TV Program “투니원초이스(Tooni ONE Choice)” / Program Package / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-Promotion Video for Channel Event “투니페스티벌(Tooni Festival)” / Program Package / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-Promotion Video for TV series Animation “너에게닿기를” / Full Production / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-Promotion Video for TV series Animation “사랑은 콩다콩” / Full Production / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-Feature Film Animation “썸머워즈(Summer Wars)”, “츠바사크로니클 새장나라의 공주(RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE)” / Title Design / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-TV series Animation “아하! 과학놀이터”, “여기는 공원 앞 파출소(Kochira Katsushikaku Kameari Kouenmae Police Station)”, “사상최강의 제자 켄이치(The World's Mightiest Disciple Kenichi)”, 말하는 강아지 마사(Martha Speaks)”, “사랑은 콩다콩(Azuki Chan)”, “너에게닿기를(From Me to You)” / Title Design / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-Promotion Video, Bumper, Age Notice, Launching Spot, Event Spot, Next Episode Preview, Event Filler, Teaser for TV series Animation “짱구는 못말려(Crayon Shin-chan)”, “아따맘마(ATAMAm'MA)”, “캐릭캐릭 체인지 두근두근(Shugo Chara)”, “메탈베이블레이드(Beyblade Metal Fusion)”, 썬더일레븐(Inazuma Eleven)”, “괴담레스토랑(Thriller Restaurant)”, “아앙의 전설(Avatar: the Last Airbender)”, “꿈빛파티시엘(Yumeiro Patissiere)”, “캐니멀(Canimals)”, “포켓몬스터(Pokemonster)”, “개구리중사 케로로(Sergeant Keroro/Sgt. Frog)”, “안녕자두야(Hello Jadoo)”, “닌자보이 란타로(Nintama Rantarō)”. “명탐정코난(Detective Conan)”, “보노보노(Bonobono)”, “뿌까(Pucca)”, 심슨가족(The Simpsons)”, “원피스(One Piece)”, “터닝메카드(Turning Mecard)”, “날아라 호빵맨”(Anpanman), “바쿠간BG(Bakugan Battle Brawlers)”, “로보카폴리(Robocar Poli)”, “와라편의점(Welcome to Convenience Store)”, “New 아기공룡 둘리(New Dooley the Little Dinosaur)”, “변신자동차 또봇(Tobot)” / CJ E&M Co.,Ltd.

-Music Video “꿈빛파티시엘(Yumeiro Patissiere)” by 아이유(IU) / PD(Full Production) / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-Music Video for Feature Film Animation “원피스 스트롱월드(One Piece-Strong World) : 세상 저 끝까지” by 바다(Banda) / PD(Full Production) / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-Channel Network Design “Tooniverse - 신나게 놀자” / Design / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-Channel Network Design “Tooniverse - 통하는 사이” / Planning & Main Design / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Channel Network Design “Tooniverse - Surprise” / Planning & Main Design / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Channel Brand Renewal “Tooniverse Channel Logo MK3,4” / Main Design / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-TV Program “고고 투니통“ / PD(Full Production) / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-TV Program “애니독립만세“ / PD(Full Production) / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Promotion Video for Game “그랜드체이스(Grand Chase)“, “그랜드판타지아(Grand Fantasia)”, “텐비(Tenvi)”, “테일즈러너(Tales Runner)”, / PD(Full Production) / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Promotion Video for Game “Pokémon for Nintendo” / PD(Full Production) / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Event Spot for TV series Animation “아따맘마 엔딩송 시청자 오디션” / PD / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Promotion Video for Feature Film Animation “해양경찰 마르코(Marco Macaco) by 이광수, 송지효“ / PD(Full Production) / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-Attraction Video & Promotion Video for Event Festival “Pokémon Town” / PD(Full Production) / CJ E&M Co., Ltd.

-TV CF “포켓몬스터 극장판 : 비크티니와 흑의 영웅 제크로무, 백의 영웅 레시라무“, ”큐레무 VS 성검사 케르디오(Pokémon the movie : White—Victini and Zekrom, Black—Victini and Reshiram, Kyurem vs. the Sword of Justice)” / PD(Full Production) / Pokémon Korea Inc.

-TV CF “시크릿 쥬쥬 장난감(Secret JuJu Toy)” / PD(Full Production) / Youngtoys Inc

-TV CF “포켓몬 카드게임(Pokémon Card Game)“ / PD(Full Production) / Pokémon Korea Inc.

-TV Show “포켓몬카드 레전드 대회“ / PD / Pokémon Korea Inc.

-TV CF “포켓몬 탐험대“ / PD / Pokémon Korea Inc.

-Promotion Video “던전앤파이터(Dungeon & Fighter Online) / Calligraphy / Nexon Co.,Ltd.


-TV series Animation “Bolts & Blip” / Planning / Redrover Co.,Ltd.

-Feature Film Animation “Nut Job” / Planning / Redrover Co.,Ltd.

-Opening Title, Event Filler & Bumper for TV Program “막이래쇼” by 김유정, 김동현, 낸시, 인피니트 / Full Production(Planning,Script, Filming,CG,Editing,Sound) / OnMedia Co., Ltd.

-TV Program “강유미가 떴다“ / PD(Full Production) / OnMedia Co., Ltd.


-맥작(MacJoc) Music Video ”두발자유화 Feat. MC한새” / Animation / MC 한새

-Film “그녀는 예뻤다” / Animation / (주)디엔에이프로덕션(DNA Production)

-에픽하이(Epik High) Music Video “Map the soul” / Special Effect & Compositing

Government-Funded Project

-2024 새활용 산업 육성 지원사업(성장) / 영농폐비닐 소재 기반의 가죽 대체 업사이클 원단을 활용한 웰컴키트 제작 / 주관기관 / KEIA

-2024 신규캐릭터IP개발 지원사업 / 마모토리 캐릭터IP 개발 및 이를 활용한 탄소감축형 웰컴키트 제작 / 주관기관 / KOCCA

-2023 새활용 산업 육성 지원사업(성장) / 폐소방복과 자투리원단을 활용한 스트릿패션 감성의 업사이클 의류 ‘꼰댓 KK on That’ 제품 제작 / 주관기관 / KEIA

-2023 신규캐릭터IP개발 지원사업 / KK on That 캐릭터IP를 활용한 업사이클 의류 제작 / 주관기관 / KOCCA

-2023 콘텐츠 IP 라이선싱 지원사업 / 「우리동네소방서 HH」 IP를 디자인으로 활용한 팝업스토어 판매용 업사이클 제품 제작 / KOCCA

-2022 새활용 산업 육성 지원사업(성장) / 폐소방복을 활용한 어린이 업사이클 DIY 키트 제품 / 주관기관 / KEIA

-2022 신규캐릭터IP개발 지원사업 / 우리 동네 소방서 HH 캐릭터 개발과 이를 활용한 폐소방자원 업사이클 제품 제작 / 주관기관 / KOCCA-2022 비대면 스타트업 육성사업 / 메타버스 글로벌 축제를 개최하는 K-자원순환 업사이클 마켓 플랫폼 “업물상” / 주관기관 / KISED

-2021 예비창업패키지 특화분야 / 업사이클 소재기반의 멸종위기 동물 디자인 패션가방, Pawbulous / 주관기관 / 창업진흥원(KISED)

-2021 업사이클 산업 육성 지원사업(도약) / 업사이클 소재기술 기반 어린이 가방의 국내 시장 정착 및 해외 수출 / 참여기관 / 한국환경산업협회(Korea Environmental Industry Association)

-2021 중소기업 현신기술 개발 및 사업화지원 / 업사이클 소재기술 기반 어린이 가방 사업화지원 / 참여기관 / 중소벤처기업부(Ministry of SMEs and Startips)

-2021 신규캐릭터IP개발 지원사업 / 피글스 (Figgles) 캐릭터 개발과 이를 디자인에 활용한 업사이클 소재기술 기반의 어린이 책가방 용품 개발 / 주관기관(Main Organization) / KOCCA

-2020 KOTRA 글로벌 CSR 사업 / 얼스데이즈 환경개선 교육학교 CSR 사업 /주관기관 / KOTRA

-2020 지구를 지키는 창업-콘텐츠편 / 얼스데이즈의 멸종위기동물로 배우는 생애 첫 영어, ‘알파베티멀’ Step1 / 주관기관 / 경기콘텐츠진흥원(Gyunggi Contents Agency)

-2019 신규캐릭터IP개발 지원사업 / EarthDayz ‘Econimals' 캐릭터 활용 스타일가이드 및 샘플(대나무의류,도시락식기세트,봉제인형) / 주관기관(Main Organization) / KOCCA

-2018 웹애니메이션 제작지원 / 헬로우 미스터선그라스, 꽉꽉송, 매직두들크레용 / 참여기관(Participating Organization) / KOCCA

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